figurella usa

Is it ok not to sweat?
During physical activity and even on a daily basis our bodies experiences very different reactions...
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Prevention is better than cure
The famous proverbial saying “prevention is better than cure” means that it is better and...
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Women Empowering Women
Women are a force to be reckoned with and unfortunately don’t receive the credit they...
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Back Fat Removal
It’s no secret that back fat is one of the most stubborn areas to target...
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made in italy figurella
Lose weight the Italian way
With 115 centers in Italy and more than 250 in the rest of the world,...
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Figurella bubble workout to burn fat
The Bubble Workout
The Figurella Method has the foundation of 40 years of experience in woman wellbeing. The...
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Physical and mental wellbeing
Physical and mental well-being are closely linked. If our mind is relaxed and serene our...
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Healthy eating. Simple tips for family
Vegetarian diet? Paleo diet? Diet of blood groups? Gluten-free diet? Zone diet? Only protein? Or...
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Oxygen detox
Oxygen Benefits
Oxygen is what keeps our body alive. It is the most important element in nature...
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Hydration: how to drink properly
1. One bottle of water a day to feel better Our body is largely made...
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